On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 01:46:37AM -0700, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
| On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Kirrily Robert wrote:
| > As you may be aware, there was a CPAN/CPANTS/modules/etc BOF yesterday
| > at YAPC.  Ziggy's going to be posting full minutes soon (to cpan-workers
| > and use.perl.org if I recall correctly) but one of the action items that
| > I volunteered for was to review current module naming conventions on
| > CPAN (if any),
| watch out or you'll offend people. (1/2 :-) )

I know.  One of the reasons I'm taking this on is that I think I have
the skills and experience to do it with... well, let's not say without
offending people, since some people seem to want to be offended no
matter what one does, but at least with the minimum offense for the
maximum result :)

| http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/

Yup.  I'll be poring over them.

| > I'm emailing you just to let you know what I'm up to and to solicit your
| > assistance if you're interested.  Let me know if you have any thoughts.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] has lots of experience in this and the nice people
| there have over the years put lots of thought into the issues.

And it's greatly appreciated!  I'm just hoping to capture some of that
experience on (virtual) paper so that people don't have to read 5 years
of mail archives to find out about it :)  Think of it mostly as a 
summarisation process, and secondly as a "making decisions and doing
stuff" process if the summarisation process turns up a lot of issues.
My guess is that it'll turn up a lot of small issues that people would
like clarification on, and a bunch of big meta-issues that are probably
way out of scope for now.

For the meantime, I'm just trying to answer the question "What is the
current best practice for CPAN module naming?" and publish the results.


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