On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> As you may be aware, there was a CPAN/CPANTS/modules/etc BOF yesterday
> at YAPC. Ziggy's going to be posting full minutes soon (to cpan-workers
> and use.perl.org if I recall correctly) but one of the action items that
> I volunteered for was to review current module naming conventions on
> CPAN (if any),
watch out or you'll offend people. (1/2 :-) )
> I'm emailing you just to let you know what I'm up to and to solicit your
> assistance if you're interested. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has lots of experience in this and the nice people
there have over the years put lots of thought into the issues.
- ask
ask bjoern hansen, http://ask.netcetera.dk/ !try; do();