>>>>> On Wed, 30 May 2001 01:29:27 +0200, Johan Van den Brande
> I have some modules ready to share with the rest of the world.
> One module is a JOT decoder ( JOT is a digital ink storage
> format). The other modules are situated in the SMS field (GSM
> SMS ) and implement a PDU codec, NBS codec ( Ringing tones, group
> graphics, VCard ...), transport modules for GSM modems and some
> HTTP based SMS gateways ...
> One thing I would like to ask if it is ok to use the prefix
> "Tektonica" in my module sets ( Like Tektonica::iSMS::PDU ).
> Tektonica is the name of my small (1 man) company, and although I
> want to share my modules, I want to link the name of my company
> with the released modules. Just like java classes need to be
> named but without the 'com.' prefix ...
It's about the most difficult question you can ask. Try to write an
article about good naming of modules that is universally applicable
and you will note that it takes several years to write it:-)
In general, if there is an existing namespace where a module fits
good, choose a close namespace and forget about marketing aspects.
In general, if your company has developed a suite of 250 modules, all
interrelated and intertwined, then *please* use a unique namespace (be
it company name or pet name).
You see, it depends...