
I would like to apply for the PAUSE registration.

My personal information:
name:    Johan Van den Brande
url:     http://www.vandenbrande.com
user-id: JOHANVDB

I have some modules ready to share with the rest of the world.
One module is a JOT decoder ( JOT is a digital ink storage
format). The other modules are situated in the SMS field (GSM
SMS ) and implement a PDU codec, NBS codec ( Ringing tones, group
graphics, VCard ...), transport modules for GSM modems and some
HTTP based SMS gateways ...

One thing I would like to ask if it is ok to use the prefix
"Tektonica" in my module sets ( Like Tektonica::iSMS::PDU ).
Tektonica is the name of my small (1 man) company, and although I
want to share my modules, I want to link the name of my company
with the released modules. Just like java classes need to be
named but without the 'com.' prefix ...


  "Besides, interesting things happen along borders - transitions - not
        in the middle where everything is the same."
                                           Neal Stephenson - snow crash
Johan Van den Brande                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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