Dear CPAN maintainers,
I would like to register as a user so that I can contribute a new module
to be part of the "Finance" category.
I have built a module that provides an interface for using the financial
data provided by the online broker Datek which they call "the Streamer".
Currently, the only way to use their data is with their proprietary application.
With the module I have built, anyone will be able to use the data in any way
the want. This will be useful for projects such as Freemarket or anyone
wanting to build their own application that uses financial data.
name: Jeremiah Mahler
preferred user-ID: JERI
Name DSLI Description Info
---------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------ -----
Finance::Streamer adpO Provides interface Datek Streamer JERI
Thank you for your consideration,
Jeremiah Mahler