Hi. I'd like the CPAN ID SRL, or SLANDRUM if you aren't giving out 3-letter IDs anymore. Name: Shane Landrum Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: http://cs.smith.edu/~slandrum I'm a release manager for the Reefknot project, which is doing shared calendaring tools in Perl. for more information on the work our team's doing, see http://reefknot.sourceforge.net. To see public discussion about the work we're doing, see http://www.geocrawler.com/lists/3/SourceForge/7859/0/ . We're the current maintainers of Net::ICal (by EBUSBOOM), and we'll be releasing Net::ITIP and Net::IMIP within a few months, hopefully. Net:: ::ICal ampO RFC2445 (iCalendar) protocol tools ::ITIP cmp0 RFC2446 tools for scheduling events ::IMIP imp0 RFC2447 tools for event scheduling Reefknot:: ::Server imp0 RFC2445 calendar server ::Client impO RFC2445 calendar client ::* impO Tools for shared calendar construction srl -- Shane R. Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] we generate our own light to compensate for the lack of light from above -AD GPG public key: http://cs.smith.edu/~slandrum/srl_pgpkey.txt