Billy Bryant
I am planning on contributing a script to do interactive circuit
simulation with tools that are freely available. I am an electrical
engineer. The simulations are done using Berkeley spice version 2g6
which was distributed with RedHat 5.2. Berkeley spice is a non
interactive program. My script makes it a little more user friendly. The
script will take output from Berkeley Spice and pipe it into GNU Octave.
Octave will provide graphical representation for the simulated output.
The user can then select to use cursors and trace through the curves on
the plot and mark any points of interest with a label. This script would
probably be of interest to any electrical engineer or student who would
like to use Berkeley Spice on a unix box and get graphical output.
Berkeley Spice 2g6 is a great simulation program but has a somewhat
steep learning curve, and only provides textual output. The upside to it
is that there are thousands of models for components that come bundled
with it, and of course it is free.
I have not discussed this script in any newsgroup forum. I have
discussed it with colleagues who will be using it. I am confident that
there are people who would use it just for the graphical output and
cursors if nothing else. I expect to have a first version complete
within 2 weeks. Thank You.