I have some database conversion scripts I would like to donate:
your name : David Bennett
your email address : dbennett @ bensoft.com
your homepage if you have one : http://www.bensoft.com/
your preferred user-ID on CPAN : DBENNETT
a description of what you're planning to contribute : I have a database
conversion script I would like to donate.
script - concise description: sql2csv.pl - Bare bones SQL Table to CSV
export (attached)
for modules a description in module list format (DSLI entry, which is:
Development stage, Support level, Language used, Interface style (see the
modulelist), and a 44 character description).
for scripts, ports, documentation, etc. please send a concise description
that helps us to categorize the issue so we can forward your mail to the
maintainers of the corresponding archive branch.
It would be very nice, if you could also send a note about where you have
discussed some or all parts of your contribution publicly, and if there was
at least a little bit of interest. We are quite open for submissions, but we
owe our users at least some rudimentary quality control. If your work has
never been discussed publicly, then it's extremely difficult for us to make
our judgement whether to accept the submission or not.