Hi *,

  i want to contribute a perl module which parses boolean expressions. It
is intended for use within CGI scripts, but I also used it for parsing
simple expressions from config files.

Is there any need for my module?

The current version is located here:

I'm going to split up the code and to add functionality for parsing
logical expressions (including operations like vel, seq and so on).

So far,

  nitraM (no3+)
Menschen sind Engel mit einem Fluegel, wenn zwei sich umarmen
koennen sie fliegen.

$|=$a=1e4;$c=int((2305/4+1)*14);while(1){$b=$c;$c-=14;exit if(!$c);
$f[$b]=($d-$h*$g);}$i=1;print sprintf("%04d",$e+$d/$a);$e=$d%$a;}

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