
Last October, I asked for a top-level space TM::*


While I interpreted no reaction as positive reaction, Topic Maps proved
themselves as a "moving target" having been 'standardized' (sort of)
last month:


I would like to renew my request, but now with 'XTM' instead of 'TM'.

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
XTM            bdpO  Topic Maps, base module                      DRRHO
XTM::Memory    bdpO  Topic Maps, in-memory representation         DRRHO
XTM::XML       bdpO  Topic Maps, read from XML                    DRRHO
XTM::Log       bdpO  Topic Maps, generic logging facility for TMs DRRHO
XTM::Server    bdpO  Topic Maps, client interface                 DRRHO
XTM::Client    bdpO  Topic Maps, server interface                 DRRHO
XTM::Virtual   bdpO  Topic Maps, virtual TMs and TM algebras      DRRHO

In my understanding, 'Topic Maps' are some competition technology to RDF
to express multidimensional, highly unstructured information. A tutorial 
you can find at


(at the moment of sending this mail, there is a power switch-off at the 
campus). The current version of the base package is hosted at


Thx for all your efforts!


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