Hi Johan,

> Please do! If your module indeed is easier to use people will like it.

I hope so :) In that case, I'd like to register. The PAUSE FAQ says
I should do so here. So here it comes:

Name    : Andreas Jaekel
Homepage: http://www.furry.de/tabalon

About this module:

Desc    : a general-purpose caching template module with callbacks, error 
          handling and directory traversing/template autoload
DSLI    : RdpO templates with cache, callbacks and autoload

This module was not discussed in public. It is the result of our group's
internal expirience and discontentment with the CGI::FastTemplate module.
We have collected ideas for a better API and some new features. I've
implemented and tested it and it looks good. 

The reasons we don't like the old API are:
 o You have to 'define' a template before using it:
    $tpl->define( a => a.tpl );
    $tpl->parse( A => a );
 o You can't parse a string. Only a template file.
 o You assign values to markers. We could never remember the syntax 
   because $tpl->assign( A => B );  assigns the value B to the marker A. :(
   The new module uses $tpl->set( A => B ); or $tpl->set( A, B ) or
   $tpl->{A} = B;
 o $tpl->parse( RESULT => a ) doesn't return the parsed document. You can
   only use $tpl->fetch( RESULT ) to get the data.
 o CGI::FastTemplates mixes the data between instances if you have more
   than one.

> >  o what namespace should I use, ... However, since both
> Template:: ?

Well, Template:: is already given. It's a whole toolkit by Andy Wardley (ABW)
and the 2.00 final release was five days ago :)  It's available from
http://www.template-toolkit.org/ (*grin*) and seems to be _very_ complete.

I've just read through the documentation, and I think the Template::
toolkit is the definitve solution for all template needs. It might
even be a little over-engineered.

So why would anyone want to use my module? Some reasons I see:
 o it's small (650 lines or so)
 o it might be faster than Template.pm, but would be slower than
 o it allows no logic in the templates (loop, if/then/else) which I think
   is an advantage. (try working with designers on one project and stop
   them from using all possible bells and whistles. Good luck.)
 o it's easier to use since the whole documentation has only 12 pages
   (pod2man | nroff) including many examples.
 o it has template autoloading included.

Is that enough to justify yet another template module on CPAN?

And again, what namepsace would I use? :)

> I'm afraid there is no such module (yet?). When you use h2xs to
> generate the stubs it will provide templates for the tests and
> Makefile.PL as well. I can send you some samples, if you like.

This works just fine. Thanks! And to Tels, too, who sent me the
same hint.


Andreas Jaekel, CableCats - Foest, Jaekel, Tegethoff GbR
http://www.cablecats.de  Tel.: 030 - 916 11 77 3

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