
I've just written a module for our internal use and would like to
contribute it to CPAN. It's my first contribution (as opposed to "my
first module") so I am uncertain and have questions. Please help me.

My module was meant to replace CGI::FastTemplate, which we used before.
It's advantages are
 o real OO-perl, meaning instances actually keep _seperate_ data
 o template search (automated file tree traversing if a file is not found)
 o callback registration for markers
 o callback registration for error handling
 o more caching options (optional mtime check, max cache-size)
 o parsing of strings _and_ files, not only files    and most of all:
 o a much easier interface.

It's disadvantages are
 o it's slower.

I have found out that there are various template modules on CPAN
already. I admit that this search came a little late :)

However, my module is complete, tested by me and documented, and
it has some features that others do not have. (except maybe for the
Template:: bundle, which is a little hard to "have a look into".
I expect an O'Reilly book about it any day now)

My questions are:
 o should I upload this module? Considering the other template modules,
   some of it's features are already on CPAN. But then, a general-purpose
   caching template module with callbacks, error handling and directory
   traversing/template autoload is a combination I haven't found yet.

 o what namespace should I use, if I should upload it? Currently, the
   module is named SaneTemplates. (I started writing it because the
   syntax and interface of CGI::FastTemplate drove me crazy. Why
   would I 'define' a template prior to use if I could just use it right
   away? Why use the ambigous assign(a => b)? This actually assigns b
   to a. Hooray.  set(a => b) or $tpl->{a} = b  is much better.)

   However, since both CGI::FastTemplate and my module are not HTML, CGI
   or even text-file specific I think the CGI-namespace would be

 o Is there a demo-module on CPAN that tells me what Makefile.PL and
   the test scripts should look like? Why is this demo module not mentioned
   on the web site or the contributers part of the FAQ?

If you have any questions, please write me mail. If you think
a look at the source could help, the module is currently available at
I have documented the module in POD format within the source.

Should any of you take the time to read the source, any comment is
greatly appreciated.

Greetings and thanks,

Andreas Jaekel, CableCats - Foest, Jaekel, Tegethoff GbR
http://www.cablecats.de  Tel.: 030 - 916 11 77 3

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