
My name is David Shultz, I'd like to request a PAUSE ID. My info is as

Name: David Shultz
Homepage: None (yet)
Prefered ID: DSHULTZ

I'd like to contribute a module called CDDBScan which uses the cddb.com
website to search for albums, songs and artists via their website.  The main
difference between this module and those currently available is that this
module doesn't require the "CD ID" (an MD5 checksum of the cd) to determine
the cds origin.  Instead is scans the cddb database via text searches to
determine all relavent information.  This way one can have an mp3 file (for
instance: any "string" will work), and use this module to determine the
artist and album the song belongs to.

DSLI Entry:

Name        DSLI  Description                        Info
CDDBScan    adpO  Allows string searching of cddb    

I'm sorry to say this module has had almost no public discussion as it's
been a private module used by myself and friends for various usenet scanning
programs.  Myself and others have found it to be very useful and I believe
the perl community would also find it useful.

Thank you for considering my ID request,
David Shultz

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