Ack... I got skipped over this round (and I missed the previous one by

Original message from Sun, 16 Jul 2000:

name : Mike Giles
email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage :
preferred user-ID on CPAN: MIKEG

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
Table          bdpO  In memory table operations on AoA            MIKEG

This module has been in development for almost 1 year and is being used in
production environments throughout 3 seperate web development companies.
While new methods are being added on a regular basis, it has proven itself
an invaluable tool primarily used as an intermediate processor on data
moving between DBI calls and HTML templators.  A method is currently
being added to allow final data to be exported to HTML::Template.

We have also been wondering which namespace would be suitable. Up to now
we have thought of Data::Table, Array::AoAUtils, AoA::Table, AoA::Utils
and a few others we won't mention ;)

Snippet from POD included to show use:

use Table;
$tb = new Table;
@colnames = $tb->colnames();
$tb->addrow({name => 'Marta',age => 25, sex=> 'f'});
$tb->addcol('nationality', 'Portuguese'); 
# 'Portuguese' populates existing rows   

# white and silver repeats to fill column named rowcolor
$tb->display(ascii); # default

$sorted_table = $tb->sortrows('name'); # asciibetical sort (case
$sorted_table = $tb->sortrows('age','n');  # numerical sort
$sorted_table = $tb->sortrows('age','-n'); # inverse numerical sort

$sorted_table = $tb->sortrows('nationality',\&SomeSortFuntion); 
# Sorting by function not yet implemented

# get all men that are over 21 years old
$men_table       = $tb->filter('sex','eq m');
$legal_men_table = $men_table->filter('age','> 21');

# get the average and total ages of all listed
$average_age = $tb->mathcol('age','avg');
$sum_age = = $tb->mathcol('age','sum');
$number_of_rows = $tb->countrows();
$number_of_fields = $tb->countcols();

$avg = $tb->AvgFieldLength($fieldname);
($min,$max,$avg) = $tb->fieldlength($fieldname);
@allnames = $tb->fetchcol('name');
@record = $tb->fetchrow(1);


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