My name is Brian Ingerson. I am a programmer for 'epixtech inc', a leading
library automation software vendor. I write all of my code in Perl and have
done so for the past two years. I am also an active and contributing member
of the Seattle Perl Users Group (SPUG http://www.halcyon.com/spug/) where I
recently (last night) gave a talk about XS and the Perl internal C API. My
most recent Perl work has involved writing wrapper modules to existing
API-s within our company and invoking them behind an XML/RPC mod_perl
server. This work has taught me the requisite knowledge for creating Perl
modules suitable for uploading to CPAN. (Using h2xs, XS, MakeMaker, etc)
I would like to get registered to contribute to CPAN.
Here is my stuff:
Name: Brian Ingerson
www: www.ingerson.com
uid pref: INGY
Term::Scraper cdpO Drive and scrape terminal applications INGY
Net::TN3270 cdcO Communicate with IBM terminal devices INGY
Devel::API cdch Expose the Perl API in script space INGY
Devel::Poke cdch Modify internal representation of Perl data INGY
perlsource.pod A layman's guide to the perl source tree INGY