At 09:12 a.m. 26/06/00 +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> New Module: IP::Address
> NEW Modules: Net-Subnet-Count and Tie-IP-Address
>lem> A while ago I uploaded a module called IP::Address. Since then it
>lem> has been used by quite a few people in different platforms. Since
>lem> it has been tested by a few tens of persons I would like to add
>lem> it to the module list.
>lem> Is this name acceptable or does a new name need to be figured
>lem> out?
>lem> These new modules have been available for a few months now.
>lem> Net-Subnet-Count is written to simplify collecting subnet
>lem> statistics out of log files. Tie-IP-Address provides a hash
>lem> interface to IP-Address.
>lem> I would like both to be included in the official module list.
>I find no mention of any of them in the archives at all, did you ever
>discuss the namespaces anywhere?
Nope. I coded first :)
>IP:: would be new toplevel namespace, so I'm not fond of introducing
>it without a discussion of alternatives.
>Net::Subnet::Count is a three level tier in which Net::Subnet:: is a
>new namespace. Could you lend us a hand in justifying this new
I don't have arguments in favor or against this name. I came up with it
because what the module does is counting how many IP addresses in a log
file belong to a set of subnets. In order to fit it within the public
namespace there is going to be some renaming... that's why I'm asking ;)
>Same goes for Tie::IP::Address.
Tie::IP::Address got this name because it's a Tie interface to
IP::Address... I guess that if IP::Address needs to be renamed (as it
probably should), Tie::... should follow suit. Please read below to see
more proposals.
>I'm not sure, but I could imagine somewhere in the NetPacket or
>Network hierarchie or below the Net::DNS there might be a place to
>consider settling.
The modules I referred to deal specifically with representations of IP
addresses. They're protocol independent.
Under 'Net' there is essentially stuff related to networking and actual
implementations (protocols, clients, servers, tools, etc). While logically
the modules I wrote about could fit in something like 'Net::IP', I'm not
sure if this approach would make sense in the long run.
On the other hand, something like 'Net::Address::IP' might make more sense.
The Tie interface could then be Tie::Net::Address::IP so it could all boil
down to
IP::Address --> Net::Address::IP
Tie::IP::Address --> Tie::Net::Address::IP
Net::Subnet::Count --> Net::Address::IP::Count
Please let me know what you think about this one, as I feel this makes more