I'm wrote same modules ( Net::RRP::* ) for upload to CPAN, but one
module ( non OO ) have a root namespace. This is a Toolkit.pm with the
next methods:
decodeTilde - decode lead tilde from path
strip - strip lead/tail spaces and tabs from line
safeCall - get code refence argument and recall this code if EINTR
safeRead ( $handle, $buffer, $length ) - read $length bytes from
$handle, recall sysread() until $length bytes are recieved.
Handle EINTR.
safeWrite ( $handle, $buffer, $length ) - write $length bytes to
$handle, recall syswrite() until $length bytes are sended.
pathSubtract - subscraction routine ( subscraction of two absolute path
&& return a relative path )
What is name space for same "toolkit" non-OO classes ?
With best regards,
Michael Kulakov