
This is my Net::Daemon::SSL module. In fact, this is an IO::Socket::SSL
based extension for Net::Daemon.
It was uploaded to the PAUSE server (my id is MKUL). The DSLI formatted
description for this module follows:

Name             DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------    ----  --------------------------------------------
Net::Daemon::SSL RdpO  SSL extension for Net::Daemon                MKUL

This is a documentation of this module:

    Net::Daemon::SSL - perl extensions for portable ssl daemons

     use Net::Daemon::SSL;
     package MyDaemon;
     @MyDaemon::ISA = qw (Net::Daemon::SSL);
     sub Run
         my $this = shift;
         my $buffer;
         $this->{socket}->print ( "vasja was here\n" );
         $this->{socket}->sysread ( $buffer, 100 ); 
            # Attention! getline() method
            # do not work with IO::Socket::SSL
            # version 0.73 see perldoc IO::Socket::SSL
            # for more details
     package main;
     my $daemon = new MyDaemon ( {}, \ @ARGV ); # you can use --help
command line key
     $daemon || die "error create daemon instance: $!\n";

    This class implements an IO::Socket::SSL functionality for
    Net::Daemon class. See perldoc Net::Daemon for more information
    about Net::Daemon usage.


    This method add IO::Socket::SSL specific options ( SSL_use_cert,
    SSL_verify_mode, SSL_key_file, SSL_cert_file, SSL_ca_path,
    SSL_ca_file ) to generic Net::Daemon options. See perldoc
    IO::Socket::SSL for description of this options


    This method creates an IO::Socket::SSL::SafeAccept socket,
    stores this socket into $this->{socket} and passes control to
    parent Net::Daemon::Bind. The IO::Socket::SSL::SafeAccept is a
    class inherited from IO::Socket::SSL with the only difference
    from parent class - the accept() method of this class returns
    EINTR on *any* error. This trick is needed to "hack"
    Net::Daemon::Bind functionality: if this method gets an error
    from accept() ( Net::Daemon::SSL auth error, for example ) it
    will call Fatal() method and die unless this is a EINTR error.


What is my next actions for register this module at CPAN?

With best regards,
  Michael Kulakov

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