>>>>> On 09 Apr 2000 13:24:29 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas J. Koenig) said:

 > My directory is already relocated, but no further actions are
 > scheduled. Please let me know when you think that I can start.

Today is the first day of ~12 during which the directories in the
authors/id/ tree will become unified according to the rough pattern

     mkpath A/AN/ANDK
     rsync -a ANDK/ A/AN/ANDK/
     sleep 3600  # during which we generate new indexes
     rmtreee ANDK
     ln -s A/AN/ANDK .

The gory details available on request. Every hour we will copy one
author's directory and will cause considerable extra traffic and many
deletions. Please help me watch this process to prevent accidents.


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