Hi My name is Jakob Schmidt My email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've set up a rudimentary homepage (which may grow in time): http://aut.dk/orqwood I would like my user-ID on CPAN to be: SUMUS if possible What I'm planning to contribute: I've made a module with the working name "DWH_File". It uses a *_File module as engine to store deep, wide and complex datastructures in DMB files. Though this sounds a bit like the same thing as the MLDBM modue does, there are some significant differences in the way the effect is achieved and in the ways the modules can be used. DWH_File does not use serialization of the data (see the docs (at http://aut.dk/orqwood/dwh/dwh_pod.html#COMPETITION) for a little more of an explanation or the article "DWH_File vs. MLDBM (Was: Re: What happened?)" posted 22 Jan 2000 23:11:30 +0100 in comp.lang.modules for an example of the differences in behaviour between DWH_File and MLDBM). DSLI entry for DWH_File: adpO DBM storage of complex data and objects DWH_File has been discussed in comp.lang.perl.modules - though not at great length. It was my impression that if it turned out to be as good as it sounded there would be an interest. The name DWH_File is my working name for the module. If for some reason you think that a different name would be more appropriate I'd like to know. The DWH stands for "deep and wide hash" and I use the _File suffix because the module is used in a way which is very similar to the *_File modules. Another possible name for the module might be something in the Tie:: namespace since the module is used practically exclusively via the tie() interface. But then again, so are MLDBM and all the *_File modules... best regards Jakob Schmidt