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Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 17:59:19 -0500
From: Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit>

No offense Tim, but IMO
   File::Path does not seem to be an obvious package name
   The function names aren't really either, they make sense yes, but there's a
       precedence for mkdirhier(1)

It differs in that:
   mkdirhier: next version will use recursion
   rmdirhier: does no chmod-ing...
   both:      status can be determined without trapping errors...
              allows for use of any directory seperator

By the same token, how does File::Remove differ from File::Path::rmtree?
Not much. They both do their own recursion (so am I for that matter[rmdirhier],
though File::Recurse exists), and they both chmod.

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  ..oooooooooo.......   209 North Street     +    /  \ /  \  .     /   ;IIIIWM
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MOTD on Boomtime, the 52nd of Chaos, in the YOLD 3166:

Tell no lies and I will ask no questions. (not!)

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