Dear CPAN maintainer,

I want to register me as a CPAN author. The following is the information
of me and my module. There is two modules I want to upload to CPAN.

Name:     Yasushi Nakajima (Sey as nickname)
Homepage:  (Japanese)

Prefered User-ID on CPAN: SEYN

Module description:
Name           DSLI  Description
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------
Pogo           ad+O  Interface for GOODS object database

Pogo is a Perl5 interface of the object oriented database GOODS. Pogo
maps Perl's scalars, arrays, hashes and objects directly to the database
objects. Pogo uses Perl's tie mechanism and provide transparent
accessibility to the database. GOODS is a free software made by
Konstantin Knizhnik.

I have released Pogo in my homepage and announced in
comp.lang.perl.modules and fj.comp.lang.perl since December 1999. I have
got some responses by mail and revised up Pogo. 

Module description:
Name           DSLI  Description
-------------  ----  --------------------------------------------
Safe::Hole     bdcO  Exec subs in the original package from Safe

Safe::Hole is a Perl5 module that makes Safe module more useful. With
Safe::Hole, you can execute an outside subroutine in the original main
compartment from the Safe compartment. Then, you can use complex objects
in the Safe compartment.

I have released Safe::Hole in my homepage and announced in
comp.lang.perl.modules, fj.comp.lang.perl and [EMAIL PROTECTED] since
December 1999. I have got some responses by mail and revised up

Best regards,

Sey Nakajima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kyoto, Japan

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