I'd like to donate a module to CPAN, and
here's the required info.
Name: James Tolley
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web address (for what it's worth at the moment): http://www.jamestolley.com preferred user-ID: JAMES I'm planning to contribute a module called CGI::SSI. CGI::SSI - Use SSI from CGI scripts. This module allows the printing of SSI tags, so that the resulting HTML arrives at the browser. It's easy to use with tie or through an oo interface, and is easily sub-classed. Name DSLI Description Info --------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- CGI::SSI adpr Use Server-Side Includes from CGI scripts. JAMES As far as discussion goes, the idea elicited a 'cool' from guru Schwartz in clp.modules; others agree that it will be useful. Thanks,
James Tolley