> Umm,
> ::SQLDataIO ? Import/export file format with data and SQL
Ok, I'll take that one.
I also have another very minor thing ... where the "ideology" is more
important than the module itself; actually the pod is a lot longer than
the code itself :)
::ClientError bdpf send error messages to the browser
>From the POD:
&& CGI::ClientError::error("You are stupid!");
Errors might appear in a CGI. If the script knows what is
wrong, it should tell what is wrong - but I think it's
important to separate between when it should tell the
client, and when it should tell the webmaster. The
user/client shouldn't be get error messages that are
irrelevant or meaningless or even possibly exploitable -
as "out of disk", "out of memory", "core dumped", etc.
Instead, the script should die, the error should be
logged, and perhaps even sent by mail to the webmaster -
perhaps even to his cellphone. The user should get an
500 and a clear, friendly message that the problem is at
the server side and probably will be dealt with ("try
again later, or mail webmaster").
Anyway, sometimes the client is to blame for the error.
He has typed in a text string in a number box, he claims
beeing born in 2019-14-14, he has been typing in a long
URL with illegal parameters, etc. Then the client should
get an informative error message. That's what this small
module is for.
Three variables might be set by the caller program,
header, footer and handler. The header and footer is what
to output before and after the error message. The default
header is:
Content-Type: text/html
Here is an error message for you:<br>
The default footer is:
If something is unclear, feel free to contact the
The default handler is ... do nothing.
Somebody has probably written scientific papers about how
to be respectful and pedagogic when telling a user that he
has done an error. I think it is wise to be humble, don't
expect too much - remember, the average web user of today
is not a typical unix user. I don't know. I don't care.
Tobias Brox (alias TobiX) - sysguy - +4722925871 - http://www.funcom.com/
If an _urgent_ email is not acted upon within 10 minutes, you might try
a _short_ mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]