On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 09:31:36AM +0100, Tobias Brox wrote:
> > > ::TSQLData adpO File format w/ SQL and data, import/export TOBIX
> >
> > Eh?
> Might be rubbish, I don't know if the public might be interessted ... or
> if anything equivalent already exists. Anyway I wanted to feed the
> database with data from a tab-separated file, and I wanted to keep the
> needed SQL code in the same file - so I sort of made a new file format
> mixing SQL and data. I find it a bit nicer and easier to hand-edit than a
> file with "INSERT INTO" at each line.
::SQLDataIO ? Import/export file format with data and SQL
> Finding a good name, and a
> description which is under 44 character long seem to be a bigger
> challenge than writing the code :)
But often a useful one. :)