Aleksander Morgado <> wrote:

> Hey!
> >
> > Is there an equivalent setting in the NetworkManager system connection 
> > configuration file for -- 
> > 3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings='apn=something' ?
> >
> No, there is no such thing. There's a bit of a grey line between what
> NM should or should not do in this regard. The Initial EPS bearer
> settings are part of the settings required during registration, even
> before the modem gets connected, so NM doesn't really do anything in
> that regard, it doesn't take care of "configuring disconnected
> modems". If anything, a systems-level settings application should take
> care of that configuration, e.g. the GNOME Settings app in a standard
> Linux desktop.
> > Is there a similar command or NM setting to set the modem UE Usage Setting 
> > to data-centric mode?
> > Equivalent to: AT+QNVFW="/nv/item_files/modem/mmode/ue_usage_setting",01
> >
> > That command came from a Quectel document for AT&T 3G Sunset Guide.
> >
> mmcli has --3gpp-set-eps-ue-mode-operation=ps2 for that, but it will
> only work if the modem supports +CEMODE; not all modems I've found
> support it. And even so, I'm not sure if the CEMODE command would be
> fully equivalent to that change in the settings with QNVFW, maybe ask
> Quectel about that?

Hi Aleksander,

on all Qualcomm firmwares I have seen so far AT+CEMODE only supports
reading the setting but not changing it. The TS 27.007 command
corresponding to the above AT+QNVFW command seems to be AT+CEUS
which typically isn't implemented at all.

However NASSetSystemSelectionPref TLV 0x21 which is already part
of the original Gobi API usually seems to work quite well.


> As with the initial EPS bearer settings, this is a registration
> related setting, so NM knows nothing about any of that.
> -- 
> Aleksander

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