Is there an equivalent setting in the NetworkManager system connection
configuration file for --
3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings='apn=something' ?

Is there a similar command or NM setting to set the modem UE Usage Setting
to data-centric mode?
Equivalent to: AT+QNVFW="/nv/item_files/modem/mmode/ue_usage_setting",01

That command came from a Quectel document for AT&T 3G Sunset Guide.

Thanks, Brendan.

On Tue, 14 Jun 2022 at 18:08, Brendan Simon <>

> Hi Aleksander,
> Many thanks for your response.  That is a BIG BIG HELP -- as I currently
> have to stop the MM service and restart it in debug mode, just to query
> some settings.  I then change settings if necessary and then stop/restart
> MM in non-debug mode.  All that takes a bit of time.
> I've just discovered that MM 1.18.0 is available in `buster-sloppy` distro
> - part of Debian Backports, so that looks like the way forward for now.
> Again, many many thanks !!
> Cheers, Brendan.
> --
> On 14/6/2022 6:01 pm, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey,
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 9:53 AM Brendan Simon <> 
> <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a number of embedded linux boxes with Quectel EC21 4G modems, 
> connected to various cellular networks (AT&T, Verizon, ...).
> AT&T are removing 3G from some areas and the modems are not reconnecting.  My 
> devices are vanishing off the face of the Internet.
> Quectel have provided some assistance and guidance and advised to configure 
> some settings for AT&T Sunsetting.  The UE Usage Setting was changed to 
> configure the device as Data Centric (i.e. no voice), however it did not 
> resolve the issue.
> AT&T provided some assistance - apparently the APN was wrong.  Seems like 
> some generic APNs are being used and not the APN specified in the 
> NetworkManager configuration.  This all worked ok when 3G was available.
> AT&G also suggested the PDP settings of the modem are the issue.
> Changing the default PDP context (#!) from an APN of "" to the provided APN 
> seems to have resolved the connection issue.
> I have used `mmcli -m N --command="..." to modify the PDP context for testing.
> I feel this is hacky and shouldn't be required.
> Is there a better (more elegant and generic method) to set the PDP contexts 
> so modems (preferably any brand) will work on 4G only networks?
> The way to elegantly change the APN settings for the initial EPS
> default bearer would be using e.g.:
> $ mmcli --3gpp-set-initial-eps-bearer-settings='apn=something'
> In QMI-based modems as the EC21, this would internally change the
> profile associated to the initial bearer.
> NOTE: we are using Debian Buster with ModemManager 1.10.0.
> Would upgrading MM help?  Buster-Backports has 1.14.0 available, which would 
> be easy to build/install on the existing OS.
> The QMI-based initial EPS bearer settings update was implemented in
> commit 5613215db8 (November 2020), which was released with
> ModemManager 1.16.0. The latest update in the 1.16.x series is
> 1.16.10, but the series is now fully unsupported; the latest supported
> series is 1.18.x.

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