
Lailson Nogueira wrote:
> Hello guys, I'm trying to create a transport stream with an audio stream 
> (.mp2), a video stream (.m2v) and a data file (.m2t) from a carroussel 
> generator (dsmcc-mhp-tools), but mplex doesn't recognize the .m2t 
> format. The program really can't recognize this type of file or I'm 
> doing something wrong?
The tools don't accept a multiplexed stream Audio and video from mplex ?

Did you take a look at JustDvb-It 2.0: 

They might do the same. But they expect audio and video files as input. 
The pages does not say if they want them multiplexed or not.

What I can say is that mplex is not able to add a audio stream to a 
existing video stream with mplex information. You need the single 
streams so mplex can put them together.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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