On Thu, May 8, 2008 02:57, Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> Hallo
> Steven Ellis wrote:
>> The Womble MPEG video wizard (http://www.womble.com/products/mvw.html)
>> has
>> a GOP fix tool that is very useful when trying to make selected MPEG2
>> DVB
>> streams DVB compliant.
>> One issue here in NZ is that one of the broadcasters is now using a
>> rather
>> large variable GOP size which means the MPEG2 streams are a long way
>> from
>> being DVD compliant.
>> If I run the stream through ProjectX to make a PS file, and then through
>> Womble under Windows the file can then be authored to DVD, but it makes
>> it
>> a very lengthy process.
>> Any ideas on Linux tools for this job.
> No idea.
> I do not know of any tool that is able to change the gop structures
> without the step of decoding it to yuv.

Well I've played with Womble and it appears to be too quick to be
performing a full re-encode. Makes we wonder what smarts it has

> Here they usually use a to high framerate, so they don't fit to a DVD. I
> always reencode what I record.

Thankfully our bitstreams are usually 4.5-6.5 Mbit so perfect for DVD if
the GOP size was correct

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