
>>> checking for libquicktime > 0.9.7... Requested 'libquicktime > 0.9.7'
>>> but version of libquicktime is 0.9.7
>> When you run:
>> lqt-config --version
> Since i got the same message with 0.9.8 i have installed 0.9.9pre1 now
> lqt-config --version gives out: 0.9.9pre1
But that version works ?
And compiling is not problem.

>> Maybe it has installed the version to a different directory and it is
>> not detected. Or some cache has still the old version.
>> Have you runn a "make distclean" and started afterwards again with
>> autoconf and configure ?
> Compiling of mjpegtools (cvs) went ok now with 0.9.9pre1 but i still
> can`t record anything.
But you wrote in the other mail that you can record when you don't use
the -q option.

>> That is strange. So when you record AVI or Quicktime. The card ssems to
>> record, but you don't get a usefull picture.
>> When you run xawtv (or another TV application) do you see a pricture ?
>> Do you see a picture when you record ?
>> If you don't see a picture while recording please try adding the input
>> option (-i) to the lavrec command.
> I have xawtv running and i can see a picture, also while i am running
> lavrec.
That is something very uncommon.
You only have one video card in your system ?

>> Could you please start lavrec once with -v 2, and add the output till it
>> that line:
>> --DEBUG: [lavrec] Queueing frame 0
> I have recorded two files (test.mov and test.avi) one with -f q and one
> with -f a. I have attached two txt-files which shows the command i used
> and the output while recording.
> lavrec -f q -i p:pal -g 768x576 -d 1 -s -c 2 -a 16 -v 2 test.mov  
That command lookes ok. -c 2 is default.

It does not have any effect when you drop the -g option ? And the i
option without the ":pal" and once without the complete -i option.

Do you have the same problem when you record at -d 2 ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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