David Strozzi wrote:
> Hi,
> This may be more for general discussion and not a specific mjpeg tools
> question...
> I like to make 'movies' of scientific data generated in matlab.  The
> usual routine is you make a plot, save it as a frame in a movie data
> type, lather rinse repeat.  At the end you encode it to an avi.  There
> are many variants - you could print each plot as a jpeg or ppm, then
> make it an mpeg, etc.
> But I really don't want a movie as much as a 'flipbook' - I just want
> a program that shows the images, say a series of jpeg files, one at a
> time, at a frame rate I specify, and with a nice enough UI that I can
> pause, go back, page frame by frame, jump around, and so forth.  I'm
> really not interested in the fancy compression techniques that mpeg
> uses, which are designed to capture correlations among different
> frames.  I'm happy to have each frame a world unto itself, compressed
> when I made it a jpeg.
> (There are fancy enough scientific movies where you do want the full
> mpeg features, but suppose you don't.)
> Is there a way with mjpeg tools to make such a 'control file,' that
> just instructs a viewer to show the follow files, with some frame rate
> and other data?  And are there viewers for such a format?
> A colleague pointed out these features in quicktime PRO (yes, $$$).
> You can "open image sequence" from the file menu, and quicktime can
> make a movie out of a bunch of image files.  Even bette, you can save
> it as an 'external movie,' which is a very small control file like I
> outlined above, that needs the external jpeg files to actually play.
> But I don't know if this 'external movie' format is apple-only, if
> other viewers support it, if it's a 'free' format, etc.
> So I thought I'd ping this list to see what if free software exists
> that can do this.
> Cheers,
> Dave

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