>> >Everythings work not too bad except i can notice a luminance difference
 >> >between frame i had extracted and the rest of the video stream. It is
 >> >like a white transparent shadow (it s more visible from Quicktime Player
 >> >though ...)
 >> ...
 >> >So i concluded y4mtoppm or ppmtoy4m is the culprit (or both) . I know
 >> >the subsampling and colorspace operations is lossy so i guess the shadow
 >> >comes from this loss. ...
 >>Hmm... I have a suggestion for something which could help diagnosing
 >> the problem.  Could you extract one (problematic) frame from your
 >> original source, and then pass it through "y4mtoppm | ppmtoy4m" to
 >> get a modified frame, and then mail both the original and modified
 >> to me (as the plain, raw, short YUV4MPEG2 streams)?
 >Thanks for that ! they are included in attachement.  (I tried to use
 >y4mtopnm but it complain about the -f option.)
 >I made some other tests and it appears that the shadow thing does not
 >happen (or it might be not visible) when i export from avid to Quicktime
 >container using DV Codec. The problem seems to occur only when the
 >Quicktime is with MJPEGA. I would gladly go for DV Codec but the quality
 >is actually less good than MJPEG ...
 >>Even though it is lossy, I wouldn't have expected a noticeable difference
 >> in one "y4mtoppm | ppmtoy4m" cycle, so it could be a bug.  (Or, it could
 >> be that your original stream/frame has a lot of pixels with Y'<16, which
 >> are getting clipped -- which would brighten them.)

Hey, Seb,

I don't think there is any particular problem with ppmtoy4m/y4mtoppm;
 testing with colorbars/whatnot shows that the output of a cycle is
 pretty faithful to an input.

One thing though:  in the frame you sent me, about 10% of the pixels
 are clipped in the initial conversion to R'G'B' --- these are Y'CbCr
 values in the orginal frame which lie outside of the R'G'B' color
 cube.  When they are clipped (projected/forced into the R'G'B' cube),
 they will generally appear brighter (the Y' of the clipped pixel will
 be higher than the original Y' value).

Perhaps this is what is happening?  
In other words, this is classic colorspace-conversion lossiness, which
 is affecting 10% of the pixels in your frame (with an average shift
 of +10 in G for those pixels...).

(I have no good suggestion for fixing this --- maybe passing the entire
 stream through the Y'CbCr->R'G'B'->Y'CbCr process, so that there will
 be no visible transition between the frames with 'effects' and those
 without?  Or doing the work in Y'CbCr colorspace [all non-ideal for
 a few reasons].  Or writing tools which will handle negative R'G'B'
 values.  Or writing a luma-preserving clipping algorithm....)


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