On Mon, 23 May 2005, Dik Takken wrote:

> >     I think we need some more info... ;)
> Ah, so you can't reproduce it with one of your DV files... Here's some 
> more info:

        No, it works fine with the (NTSC) DV files I tried it with:

[LARRY:S300/DVD] sms% smil2yuv aq.dv | head -n 1
YUV4MPEG2 W720 H480 F30000:1001 Ib A10:11 C420mpeg2 XYSCSS=420MPEG2

[LARRY:S300/DVD] sms% smil2yuv aq.dv | yuvplay
++ WARN: [yuvplay] Deprecated X-tag for chroma found in a stream header...
++ WARN: [yuvplay] ...pester someone to upgrade the source's program!
INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0000 - 0:00:00.00
INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0001 - 0:00:00.01

> bash-2.05b$ smil2yuv test.dv | head -n 1
> YUV4MPEG2 W720 H576 F25:1 Ib A59:54 XYSCSS=420PALDV

        Oh - ok, so that's an older version of smilutils.   The smilutils
        hasn't had a release in eons (even longer than mjpegtools ;)).

        I'm not sure if it's the only problem - but the 'XYSCSS' tag for
        the chroma sampling is deprecated in favor of the 'C' tag.

        Do you see anything like that 'Deprecated X-tag' message?  If you're
        using the cvs version of mjpegtools you should see that message.

> bash-2.05b$ smil2yuv test.dv | yuvscaler -I USE_576x512+0+0 -O DVD | head -n 1
> YUV4MPEG2 W720 H576 F25:1 Ib A59:60 C420jpeg XYSCSS=420PALDV

        Hmmm, something's not right here.  Going thru a mjpegtools program
        such as yuvscaler should have 1) seen the 'X' tag and complained
        about it and 2) created the 'C' tag (which it did) and 3) remove
        the 'X' tag. 

        What's even weirder is that 'XYSCSS' came in as 420PALDV but yuvscaler
        put out a 'C' tag with 420jpeg!    Inconsistent X and C tags are a
        "should not happen" event - possible only (that I can see) due to a
        bug in a program or a program that is bypassing the lower level y4m* 

        What happens if you use y4mscaler?  

        Does anything change or behave differently if you build the cvs version
        of smilutils?

> bash-2.05b$ smil2yuv test.dv | yuvscaler -I USE_576x384+0+0 -O DVD | head -n 1
> YUV4MPEG2 W720 H576 F25:1 Ib A59:45 C420jpeg XYSCSS=420PALDV

        Same thing as before - inconsistent chroma tags.  Not sure if that'll
        cause yuvplay to be upset or not.

        There would seem to be a bug in yuvscaler that is causing it to emit
        a 420jpeg tag.

        Oh, you probably need to convert the 420PALDV to 420MPEG2 before 
        encoding - so you'll need to use 'y4mscaler -O chromass=420mpeg2' .
        Might as well add the '-I active=...' and do everything in one step ;)

        Steven Schultz

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