On Sat, 21 May 2005, Matt wrote:

> I have an input file which was rendered in 720x406 (1.77:1) but, I need

        Rendered to what data type?  PNG/TGA/YUV4MPEG2/YV12/???

> to encode it for dvd which means 720x480. Is there some what to tell
> mpeg2enc to fill out the top and bottom borders without regenerating the

        You'll need to matte the image into a 720x480 black frame.  The
        encoder won't do that though.

> If not, is there a method that others might recommend?

> P.S. I accidentally generated a dvd of this (at 720x406) and in a number
> of software players it plays perfectly. In 2 sony hardware players it

        Of course ;)  Software players are vastly more forgiving (primarily
        by ignoring the specs ;)).

> plays but it has what appears to be artifacting at the bottom of the
> image. Remember, that is NOT the bottom of the screen.
> Does anyone have a good idea why this might be? Is this related to the
> fact that the image size is incorrect? The rest of the material looks

        My guess is that the artifacting at the bottom of the image is due
        to the fact that the height is not a multiple of 16.  MPEG really
        wants dimensions that are a multiple of 16.  400 is a multiple of
        16 but 406 is, of course, not.

> ls *.tga | xargs -n1 tgatoppm | ppmtoy4m | mpeg2enc -b 8500 -K
> file=../matrix.txt -f 8 -c -q 5 -4 2 -2 1 -I 0 --dualprime-mpeg2 -o

        So put something like 'y4mscaler -O sar=src -O size=720x480" in before
        the mpeg2enc.

        I think that will take the 720x406 frames and matte them into a
        720x480 frame.  If not then 'man y4mscaler' is your friend :)

        Steven Schultz

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