On Sun, 1 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I had downloaded the CVS but hadn't noticed tha absence of .s files. 
> I was not sure if it was a good option to start with.

        It is a far better (much newer) starting place.  The changes that were
        made to get rid of the .s files were needed for building on X86_64
        systems.  A pleasant side effect is that you should have an easier time
        of building with Cygwin.

> Most appear to be type conversions which are not cast ie long to uint32_t.

        The correct thing, I believe, is not to just add casts (although that
        might be correct in many cases) but to change the the 'long' to
        'uint32_t' (or int32_t).  On 64bit platforms 'long' is 8 bytes (64bits).
        If a 32bit quantity is what is needed it is probably not a good thing
        to simply add a cast.

        Have fun!  When you get it building and running then a set of "diff -u" 
        patches can be posted to the list ('-devel' but no one would object
        too strenuously if they appeared here ;)) for review and integration.

        Steven Schultz

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