On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Dik Takken wrote:

> >     man y4munsharp
> Oh no.. Yet Another CVS-Only (tm) feature... Hint Hint :)

        Yep - what else? :)

> ... these features are not in any MJPEG Tools release...

        The only (serious) bug I know of at the moment is the encoder not
        flushing out the last frame - the video is 1 frame short.  If that
        were taken care of perhaps a release cycle could be started.

        Seems that for quite some time now as soon as  'release' is mentioned
        a flurry of development starts  - sort of a "perpetual development"

> By the way, does 'man y4mdeinterlace' also work in CVS?

        Nope - but then there isn't a y4mdeinterlace tool :)  There is a
        yuvdeinterlace program which has a usage() summary but no manpage.
        The options are so few in number and/or simple that it as easy to
        use 'yuvdeinterlace -h'  as "man yuvdeinterlace":

INFO: [yuvdeinterlace]  -v verbose/debug
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace]  -f film-FX processing to give DV a more film-like-look..
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace]  -s [n=0/1] forces field-order in case of misflagged 
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace]     -s0 is top-field-first
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace]     -s1 is bottom-field-first

        misflagged streams are rare so the only option that might be used a
        little whould be "-f".

        I think though if we wait for "perfection" the release would be 
        postponed indefinitely ;)  Maybe it would be a good idea to push
        1.7.0 out the door and if problems are discovered then release 1.7.1
        or whatever.

        Steven Schultz

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