On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Dik Takken wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone is planning to add an unsharp masking 
> utility to the MJPEG Tools. I use unsharp masking a lot when processing 

        man y4munsharp

y4munsharp -h
y4munsharp: usage: [-v 0|1|2] [-N] [-L radius,amount,threshold] [-C 
y4munsharp:     radius and amount are floating point numbers
y4munsharp:     threshold is integer.
y4munsharp:     default for -L is 3.0,0.3,4
y4munsharp:     chroma not filtered UNLESS -C used, no default
y4munsharp:-v verbose 0=quiet 1=normal 2=debug (default: 1)
y4munsharp:-N disables the Y' 16-235 clip/core
y4munsharp:   disables the CbCr 16-240 clip/core
y4munsharp:   (allow the entire 0 to 255 range).

> recordings of my JVC digital DV camera. Unsharp masking makes a HUGE 
> difference in image quality.

        It can help quite a bit as long as one does not overdo it.  If the
        difference is very noticeable then the parameters are too aggressive.

        y4munsharp started life using the GIMP's unsharp mask plugin as a guide
        so if you're familiar with using the GIMP to do unsharp processing the
        parameters will be very familiar. 

> Unfortunately, the only app that can do unsharp masking on interlaced 

        Not so - there's y4munsharp :)

        Steven Schultz

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