On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Maarten de Boer wrote:

> > the following is (of course) sending me back an error
> >
> > find . -name \*.ppm | ppmtoy4m | blabla
> How about
> find . -name \*.ppm -exec ppmtoy4m {} \; | blabla

That won't work, as you can't just cat y4m streams together.  The have headers
and interal structure that will be messed up.  I wrote a program y4mcat that
lets you do this, but it wouldn't be useful in this case.

> find . -name \*.ppm | while read filename; do ppmtoy4m $filename; done |

Same problem, you can't cat the output from multiple ppmtoy4m streams together.
It'd be slower too, to restart ppmtoy4m for each frame.

You'd get better speed with something like:

find -name \*.ppm | xargs -n200 cat | ppmtoy4m

cat can't take 28800 files on the command line, but it can take more than 1.

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