On Wednesday, Jan 26, 2005, at 06:04 Europe/Stockholm, E.Chalaron wrote:

Thanks all for your advice. Will do something about parameters.... :-) like
RTFM and behaving myself...

Anyway I have another small thing here.
A 400 ft reel of Super 8 comes to 28800 individual frames, which is obviously
too much to handle for bash/cat

I  know that
find . -name \*.tga | xargs -n1 tgatoppm | ppmtoy4m | blabla

will work but was wondering if I can get it directly in ppm

the following is (of course) sending me back an error

find . -name \*.ppm | ppmtoy4m | blabla

**ERROR: [ppmtoy4m] Bad Raw PPM magic!

An option would be to save in TGA.
Any recommandation ? I probably missed something with xargs but not really
sure how it works

ffmpeg -f image2 -i img%d.ppm -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - | ...

with a recent CVS version.


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