>> This minor update does two.five things:
 >>    o Implement Keys' 4th-order cubic kernel --- as 'cubicK4' ---
 >>       as suggested by Nicholas Boos.
 >>    o Make 'cubicK4' the default kernel.
 >      Oh, so the default is cubicK4 rather than sinc:6 (which I believe
 >      was mentioned as the default in 8.0) now?

Yes --- although due to programmer blotz (noticed by Nicholas), 8.0 was
 still using 'linear' as the actual default.

 >      One major use I make of y4mscaler is downscaling HD (1920x1080) for
 >      16:9 704x480 DVD.  For that which of sinc:6 or cubicK4 is supposed
 >      to be better?  Or is the difference not likely to be noticeable?

Well, to be honest, I have very little idea.
If you have a lot of sharp edges (i.e. stuff that likes to ring), you'll
 probably notice a difference.

I just put a bunch of 'worst-case' sample test cases up on the site:


Alas, there is no perfect filter,
-matt m.

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