(Usual place:  http://www.mir.com/DMG/Software/  )

This minor update does two.five things:

   o Actually change the default kernel from 'linear' to something else.

   o Implement Keys' 4th-order cubic kernel --- as 'cubicK4' ---
      as suggested by Nicholas Boos.

   o Make 'cubicK4' the default kernel.

'cubicK4' uses the same processing power as 'sinc:4', but trades off some
 cut-off sharpness for less ringing artifacts.  But, it's a bit sharper
 in cut-off and flatter in the passband than 'cubic' or 'cubicCR'.

-matt m.

ps:  sms' suggestions for PPC CPU optimization flags are now in the Makefile,
     but you'll have to uncomment them manually.  (One step at a time...)

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