On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Trent Piepho wrote:
> > That's it!  You can compile and link mplex with one single g++ command! 
>       I don't see anywhere in that one line the building of the libmplex
>       shared libraries  - that's what most of the build stuff is for.

Nothing uses the libmplex shared library, so that's not a problem.

> > That's it, one command that fits on one line!  For some reason autohell 
> > needs
> > a ONE THOUSAND LINE Makefile to do this, and it doesn't even work! 
>       Makefile.am is 76 lines long and guess what?  Works flawlessly on
>       everything from an obsolete BSD variant up thru OS/X on to several
>       different Linux distributions and a modern BSD variant or two.

I've never found a system where it worked flawlessly, and from the traffic on
this list, it seems I'm far from alone.

I could write a normal makefile, that creates the (unnecessary) library, and it
would be a less than 76 lines, and a lot less than one thousand lines.

> > process so complex that people are told they need to switch distributions to
> > build it, that's a sign autohell has gone seriously out of control.  
>       auto* is a bit of a mess in general but I can't call a 76 line
>       automake file "seriously out of control".  It does have minimum
>       versions of the autohell tools required but that's not unusual.

The minimum versions must be very bleeding edge, when redhat 9 and slackware
10 don't even have them.  Besides that, mplex isn't a complex program, it
doesn't need bleeding edge versions of autohell to compile.  The build process
is far more complex than it needs to be, and a lot of people are having
trouble building it as a result.

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