
> Since my computer (Athlon 1400) is too slow to capture high quality, full
> res MJPEG video, I consider buying a hardware MJPEG capture card. There
> is lots of info in the archives about a lot of famous MJPEG cards, but
> most of them are no longer sold in the shop around the corner.
I think the only card supported by the zoran driver, you still get as
new, is the Linux Media Labs LML10. 
I think that all other cards have been withdrawn. 

> So, I'm looking for a decent hardware MJPEG capture card that is currently
> available in computer stores. If MJPEG is still the best choice today,
> that is. I have seen new (external) capture devices that can convert
> analog video directly to DV and stream it directly to your harddisk. How
> good/bad is the quality of these devices? Say I want to process the video
> after capturing and re-encode to MPEG2, does DV offer sufficient image
> quality to do this or is an MJPEG capture card a better choice? Do
> external capture devices have a big advantage compared to internal capture
> cards?
The quality is dependent on the signal you want to record. DV is also
able to record very high quality. The only disadvantage I know is that
you cannot specify the quality you want to record. You always get the
same amount of data. 

The solution you get very easy is a FireWire converter for your analog
signal to DV. 
(Like the Canopus devices, Steven has mentioned many times) And use kino
to record your videos.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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