Hi there Bernhard,

Thanks for responding.

> Bernhard Praschinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hallo
> > Which zoran driver did you use ? If you tried 
the driver that is
> included in the 2.4.x kernel. Please the CVS 
version from the 
> mjpegtools
> CVS with the 2.4.kernel, and try it again. 
> If you have some output from your messages 
file, that information might
> help to find out what's wrong.
> Or use a 2.6.x kernel. The zoran driver in the 
2.4.x Kernel is not that
> well working. 
> Which version of the mjpegtools do you use ?
> Do the TV applications like xawtv work ?

Ok. I'm using mjpegtools 1.6.2, driver-zoran 
0.9.4, and the i2c stuff in the 2.4.27 kernel 

I haven't tried the cvs versions mjpegtools or 
but I have read through the latest driver-zoran 
sources via the CVS and I can see that they will 
not solve my problems.

The problems I was seeing seem to be only in the 
driver module - I think lavrec and lavplay are 
working fine.

xawtv works with the current driver on my 

> > - Has anyone else tried to get a buz (or 
similar) working on PPC
> > hardware under linux (this card works fine on 
MacOS on this
> > machine)
> No, at lease I remember no message about 
that. I know that the BUZ also
> works on a SGI in IRIX. But that driver is not 
> I have at least a BUZ and a a G4 MAC. But the 
Buz in the PC beside the
> MAC, and the MAC is only running MAC OS/X. I 
don't know if I install
> Linux on the MAC the next time.

I believe that there is a hardware conflict with the 
buz cards on all but the beige G3 powermacs - 
apparantly the scsi controller on the boards 
causes a problem. I read somewhere that you can 
remove the scsi chip from the card to get it to 
work :P. I'm guessing you won't want to do that 
(I wouldn't :)).

Anyway, since my last message I've made some 
further progress with 
the driver-zoran sources and have had some very 
successful playback and record sessions now 
uysing lavrec/lavplay with decimation = 2 or 4. 
Decimation = 1 crashes. BTW - the crashes are 
silent - no incriminating messages on the console 
or in messages - the machine just stops!. I'll see 
if I can instrument the driver to get some 
debugging output for this that can be discussed.

Colours are fine - the problem I reported in my 
last email was with mplayer, not the file produced 
by lavrec. The avi's I've captured play fine in VLC 
and lavplay through the buz.

There are two problems with driver-zoran 0.9.4 
that I have worked around. These are:

- zoran_driver.c did not include linux/vmalloc.h. 
vmalloc is a static inline defined in that header (in 
2.4.27 at least), and without it the module still 
builds but cannot be loaded, complaining that the 
vmalloc symbol is missing (which it is).

- The stat_com and fragment table buffers. The 
zr36057 reads these from system memory, and 
expects them to be in little endian format (which 
they are not on PPC!). The result of this is that 
when compression starts, the compressed JPEG 
stream is written who-knows-where and the 
machine locks up very quickly!

Anyway, I'll download the latest mjpegtools and 
driver-zoran sources from cvs and have a go. I'll 
submit a patch against CVS for the issues I 
addressed above to the devel list after I try them 
out. I'll also try to provide more information on 


-> Ben

Ben Capper
Sydney, Australia

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