
> >> I still have some questions !
> >> I made a "studio -t" to find wich port was using. I have made "studio -p 53" and 
> >> now I
> >> get this when I try to start:
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# studio -p 53
> >> Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
> >>   serial 1730 error_code 8 request_code 142 minor_code 5
> There are always more than one video port. You have choosen on adaptor
> with the type input video ?
>      honnestly, I don't know anything about it !, it was wroted what I had to do, 
> and I did it. I can send the output of "studio -t" if you want.

Please send the output, but you only need to send those lines:
  name:  video4linux
  type:  input video
  ports: 1
  first: 62
That card is a zoran based card. 

> >> xawtv: my .xawtv is looking like this:
> >> [global]
> >> freqtab = france
> >> [defaults]
> >> input = Television
> >> norm = PAL
> Is norm PAL correct?
> I thought that in france SECAM is the most common system ?
>      Right, but I am living i Denmark, my system is french !

> >> fullscreen = 768 x 576
> >> Whan I push "f", I just have a black screen with a rectangle with the samme 
> >> resolution as in the little screen by origin: 1280 x 1024
> >> What did I make wrong ?
> Seems to be a scaling problem. What happens when you make the xawtv
> widow larger than 768x576 ? Does is still scale ?
>      I did try that, the picture get bigger and bigger, until it is to it's max size.
With max size do you mean 768x576 or the size of your screen ?

BTW: Does recording with lavrec work ?
something like that: lavrec -s -U text.avi

you might have to add -f -i -l -R options. With the correct arguments. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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