On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 01:51:10PM +0100, Maarten de Boer wrote:
> > Since you found a hardware player that seems allergic to -R 0
> > streams, why not test it for us. ...
> That is actually a very good idea. While I am at it, I might create
> some more test mpegs, and create a reference dvd image. What other
> things might be useful to test? I've seen some proposals for
> mpeg2enc settings that might give better image quality (rather then
> -f 8), those would be good to include. And what kind of test data
> should I use?

Well, if you are testing for DVD players, you have to use -f 8,
because the other -f settings don't create DVD compatible mpeg2
streams.  The DVD standard adds some extension data (allowed by the
mpeg2 spec) into the mpeg2 stream, and without the extension data
you'll find far more hardware players that are allergic.

> For one, I wil create a stream with images displaying a grid,
> because I noticed that displaying the dvd on a tv cuts of quite a
> large border. Other suggestions?

The grid's not such a bad idea, it could be used for testing
alignment and scanning accuracy purposes.  A colorbars DVD could also
be useful for tuning color/tint settings.  But the cutoff borders on TV's
is normal, and intentional, and designed into the TV sets.  It's
called overscan, and the amount of overscan will vary somewhat
depending on the make / model / age / quality / etc. of the TV set.

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