
I created a DVD from some miniDV recordings, and I tested it on 3
hardware players. 2 work perfectly, but the third one, a SAMSUNG M105,
only shows the menu I created, but refuses to play any titles. (can't
give the details of the refusal - it's not my player) 

I've seen on http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdplayers.php?DVDname=m105 that
this player is indeed pretty picky about media, but I do see some
reports that it should correctly reproduce Princo DVD-R's, which is what
I used. The fact that it does show the menu, seems to indicate that it
did indeed accept the medium...

So my question is, what could I do to create a DVD with higher player
compatibility? I short, the tools and settings I used:

lav2yuv | mpeg2enc -f 8
mp2enc -r 48000

I'd also be interested if anyone on the lists has had good/bad experiences
with this player with homegrown DVD, SVCD or VCD. 

Kind regards


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