> No bites at all... *sigh*
> Let me ask mor simply then.  Is there a way to get yuvscaler
> or some other tool to add black bars to the sides of stream?
> On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 03:31:51PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> > Is there some trick I can use to fool my DVD player into
> > clipping less of my video; while still preserving the
> > desired aspect ratio?  

I used the following once or twice to reduce the overscan in VHS
captured to DV (720x480) :

y4mscaler -I active=704x480+12+0 -I matte=696x472+16+0 -S option=sinc8lan -O 
preset=DVD -O size=704x480 -O Xscale=15:16 -O Yscale=14:15

The result is a black border around the active frame.  Note the aspect
ratio is changed slightly (but imperceptibly, by a factor of 225/224)
in order that the scaled size be convenient.  I think in the current
version of y4mscaler "sinc8lan" needs to be "sinc:8".

Dan Scholnik

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