Anybody know of a good simple binary file editor for Linux that can handle 30 GB files without a problem? If so, I can simply edit the YUV4MPEG header to suit me. By the way, the yuv4mpeg man page is quite good.

Robert W. Fuller wrote:

This should have gone to the list....


Re: [Mjpeg-users] [Fwd: yuv4mpeg export feature refinement]
"Robert W. Fuller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wed, 07 Jan 2004 14:08:11 -0500
"Steven M. Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for the reply. That header looks delightfully easy to edit. Here's one from one of my transcode exports:

   YUV4MPEG2 W704 H480 F30000:1001 Ip A0:0

Is the yuv4mpeg man page the best documentation for the header format?



Steven M. Schultz wrote:

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Robert W. Fuller wrote:

When you export from a quicktime file to yuv4mpeg, transcode sets the frame order to "progressive/none." This does not work well with programs like "yuvkineco" which will not perform de-interlacing unless ...

That's a very common problem with programs that have yuv4mpeg2 output - the header fields are rarely 100% correct.

By the way, is there a simple editor for yuv4mpeg headers?

Not directly, but there are a couple approaches one could take.

    Write a simple wrapper shell script that does a 'read' to get
    the first line - parse it out and replace the necessary tags, echo
    that to echo out, and then pass the rest of the data thru untouched
    with cat.

The other approach uses a couple simple utilities (only in the
cvs version of mjpegtools at the moment I believe) in a pipeline.
'y4mtoyuv' to strip out the header and frame markers, and then
'yuv4mpeg' with all the parameters explicitly set. SLightly
inefficient to go thru a couple process pipeline but it is simple. Something like ' ...produce y4m... | y4mtoyuv |
yuv4mpeg -i t -r 30000:1001 -a 10:11 -w width -h height | mpeg2enc ...

    Steven Schultz

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