Hi Richard,

> Core was generated by `mpeg2enc.cvs.2003.11.04 -f 5 -n n -a 2 -V 230
> -B 224 -S 8000 -b 9576 -q 10 -I 1'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> [symbol loading lines omitted]
> #0  quant_non_intra_sse (wsp=Cannot access memory at address 0xbfffebd0
> ) at quantize_x86.c:309
> 309                     mulps_m2r( *(mmx_t*)&piqf[0], xmm2 );

Just ran a quick run with exactly your parameters here.   No segfault.   A 
common cause of first-frame bail-outs is a bad nasm (quite a few revisions 
now had Bugs).   However, yours is bailing out in some inline asm in gcc so 
that's a little unlikely.   Can you email me (say) the first 20 frames or  
your video sequence bzip2-ed, in case some content-dependent bug is to 


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